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Almost immediately after he goes even further, completely stripping the sections covering her midriff and her arms, leaving her in what is practically a torn and rugged bra and panties.

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Each time her grabs her, he also tears off bits and pieces of her leotard, and towards the end of the episode he tears off her cloak, which as mentioned above, Raven feels practically naked without it. Throughout the episode Slade repeatedly invades Raven’s personal space and grabs her against her will, causing her visible pain each time. Also in “Birthmark', particularly the central conflict between Raven and Slade can be considered an allegory for rape/sexual assault.This does makes sense, however, as leotards tend to expose any underwear that is worn underneath, so they are usually omitted by the people who wear them. Going without either is typically seen as rather lewd behavior in most cultures.

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This is further helped by the fact that the show arguably treats it as if she really was naked, with Raven covering her breasts and Robin’s fist conveniently placed over her groin area.

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